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Ankle Fracture Case Settles Before Trial For $450,000

Ankle Fracture Case Settles Before Trial For $450,000

Settlement Reached In Case Involving Fall On Defectively Built Ramp

Our client suffered a serious ankle fracture when she was walking down a ramp at the home she rented from her landlord. The ramp, made of two pieces of plywood, led from the back door down to the backyard. As she walked down the ramp, the pieces of plywood came apart, and her foot got caught. She fell backward and her ankle snapped. She suffered a compound fracture of her tibia and fibula, and she underwent a surgery to reduce and fixate the fracture.

On behalf of our client, we filed suit against the property owner as well as the company that built the ramp. We retained an engineer who found that the ramp was not built to Code. The defense expert testified at deposition that the Code violations did not contribute to the accident, and that our client could not have fallen in the manner she described.

Trial in the case was set for the end of October 2012. The case just settled for $450,000. We wish our client the best in her future.

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